Invite four to six adult friends over for a Halloween-themed wine tasting party.
Taste different wines - serve Halloween-themed ones if you can, but if not, just serve regular wine and let the decor carry the party.
Ghoul's Night Pink and Black Party Theme, by The Hostess BlogDECORATIONS:
Skull Clock, at Z Gallerie
Grasslands Halloween Wine Glasses, on Amazon
Evening with a Vampire Wine Goblet, on AmazonMUSIC:
The 99 Darkest Pieces of Classical Music, on Amazon
The Cure: "The Head on the Door" CD, on Amazon
Kate Bush: "The Dreaming" CD on AmazonAPPETIZERS:

Cackling Crackers and Full Moon Dip, from Hungry Happenings
Eyes of Newt Recipe, from Betty Crocker
Olive Mummies, from Saturday DishBEVERAGES:
Vampire Wine, from Vampire Vineyards
7 Deadly Zins, from Michael David WineryENTREES:
Skewered Worms Steak Recipe, from Betty CrockerDESSERTS:
Smashed Pumpkin Poisonous Parfaits Recipe, from The Hostess Blog
Chocolate Skulls, from Dean and Deluca
Solid Milk Chocolate Bat, at Moonstruck Chocolates
Halloween Truffles, at Land O Lakes
Black Cat Cupcakes, from Good to KnowBOOKS FOR PARTY PLANNING:
Haunt Your House for Halloween, on AmazonRELATED LINKS:
Halloween Cut-Out Cookies (Cute Everything)
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